Big Boink @ 7 Months !
Saturday, March 3, 2012
The Boy is Bigger and Brighter at 6 months!
As much as I want to keep blogging and updating my Tumblr, I just don’t have the time to… yet. But I promise, this will change. I doubled my work load thinking it’s going to help us get by with all the expenses that we incurred after Mikko and I got sick and had to buy a ginormous amount of medications. But now I realize, Mikko is growing up so fast and I just can’t afford to miss the smallest details and the joy of seeing my little boy grow. So now, I’m trying to get rid of the extra work load so I can spend even more time with Mikko and save some time for myself. I got eyebags the size of Mt. Rushmore now. Booo!
So that’s the plan. Me = work less, spend more time with Mikko. Sounds good, right? Yeah, well. Also, to cover for the growing expenses of raising a rather big boy, we have embarked on a new business venture. That I will write about at my other blog.
Mikko had his first solids a week ago and when his pedia warned us he may or may not like Cerelac (Wheat & Milk), we are very pleased to report that Mikko loves this! Thank God! And instead of giving him just 1 or 2 teaspoons, he asked for 4-5 on the first day! Now he eats about 5-7 tsp, I think. Or is it 10 tsp already?
I feed him while watching Sesame Street and Brainy Baby (He likes music and counting numbers. Math!!! WTF!). So he seems to enjoy eating while watching something. Hmmm. Just like mom & dad. :)
Oh and we had to give him the octopus/squid tentacles first before we had him eat his solids. Why? Because it’s tradition. Hahaha! I was told they fed me pig’s tail. Whatever! The reason behind the tentacles is for Mikko to have skills (superpowers?) to prevent himself from falling. I don’t know. Sounds like it’s going to make him surefooted, is all.
Mikko Vincenzo is 6 months old (+2 weeks & 4 days as of this blog post).
He can sit, crawl, stand, and move about in his walker. :P
Ain’t he a darling? He’s getting moody, too. And he has his days where he just doesn’t want to be left alone so one must carry him all the time. (ugh!) I know, he’s heavy. He’s like 10 kg now! And I recently took note that most of the time when he’s in his Jumperoo… he poops! So the Jumperoo is going to be his first step in potty training! HAHA!
And check this out…
He’s on walking wings!!! It’s too early.. we try not to force him but the boy insists. He wants to walk. He even slides at the edge of the bed and it’s really quite the challenge to watch him not fall off the bed when he sleeps because he rolls around a lot.
Sleeping, he looks like a year old! PURYA BUYAG! :P
Oh and did you notice that he looks straight at the camera? Yup, count 1-2-3 and he smiles! :) FTW!
Kid loves the camera. What can I say? Just like mommy!
What’s a real challenge is to bathe this baby boy! I feel like a scientist decontaminating a creature from outer space.
Yes, coz he splashes water all over the place and whoever bathes him ends up all soaking wet.
Can’t wait for the time to teach this little boy how to ride a bike! That should be really fun, too!
So I guess to sum it all up, being a mom for the past 6 months has been more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Really… I never thought motherhood can be this awesome. It honestly never crossed my mind and all I could imagine was wiping poop all the time and getting fatter by the minute. I admit that’s part of the whole thing but the joy that comes with seeing your kid grow and discover the world around him is just priceless and full of the joys of spring.
So until then. I expect to be more hands-on this time especially that we have lots of trips planned for the summer and we’re sure going to have a whale of a time vacationing with the Little Mao.
‘Til then!