Monday, July 25, 2011

A month before I pop!

Just a month to go and I’m scheduled to give birth. That is, if the baby doesn’t get any bigger. I was told I am having one that is LARGE FOR DATES. Do you know what that means? Well, simply put, the baby is big… no wait, it’s HUGE! Last week the baby is already 6.5 lbs and 37 weeks in age for it’s size! And I am a petite person so… 

My doctor said I should start praying now because we don’t want a C-section but I must go into labor first to find out if I can deliver the baby normally or not. Oh well, gonna have to start praying to St. Rita, Patron Saint of the Impossible. 

Aside from that, I also need to go and get my blood sugar checked. It’s not that I’ve been eating a lot lately as I’ve been told to go on a diet and actually I have been exercising (okay, walking around a couple of blocks here in the city) for some time now but my tummy’s getting really heavy now and it’s getting hard to walk. :( I don’t know what else to do now aside from preparing the hospital bag (newborn/baby stuff, my stuff, etc.) Whew!

Check out this list my dear sister-in-law made for me as a guide.

Isn’t she a doll? And I have her to thank for all the baby hand-me-downs from her lil ones so I don’t have to buy so much. Thanks Ish!

I also managed to design a couple of birth announcements and even a draft of the baptism invitations already. Tee hee! Talk about excited! And I just purchased a C. R. Gibson baby book, which I am utterly psyched to fill up with scrapbook style entries. ^_^

Unfortunately at the last doctor’s visit, we couldn’t do a 4D ultrasound anymore because the baby is too big and is squished already and we couldn’t see the face anymore. So this is the only picture I have of the baby inside my tummy when it was still 24 weeks old. Take note, the report says it is already 27 weeks because of the size!

Alright, that’s it for an update. We’re still renovating our bedroom to make way for the additional “two feet" we’re having! :) Will give you a photo tour of the room once it’s all done.

Til then!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Basta Igat, Sikat! by MyMaria: Pregnant & Proud!

Because I am pregnant… I just had to do this! I know you would, if you could. Well, why not?


It’s true that pregnancy hormones can either make you euphoric at one time or drive you mad the next. It’s crazy and it’s something I really wasn’t prepared for. But I love it, nonetheless. It’s awesome to be able to experience this miracle of the creation of life and there really isn’t any feeling that can compare. Not even the most orgasmic of all foods that I have tasted throughout the years. Not even that thrill of discovering something online, the smell of the unboxing of an Apple product, or finding a really good deal or 70% off discount while shopping.

But most of the time because of weight gain, back pains, and swollen feet, it’s highly recommended that you not mess with a pregnant woman. She could burst into tears randomly or kill you in the next five minutes. Take my word for it. Pregnant women have no filter. And now my give-a-damn’s even more busted especially that I’m almost about to pop.

Before I do just that, I have decided to get pictures taken. And not just the normal kind of taking pix to monitor your growing belly each month. My photo enthusiast friends agreed to do a maternity/pregnancy photography with me. Lucky me, Mami!!! Whooopeee!!!

Pregnancy is truly an amazing thing. But it comes with a lot of symptoms. Now if you don’t have anything good to say about my photos, then just shut the hell up because I don’t want anyone ruining my beautiful memory and how I felt at the very moment when I had these pictures taken. It’s like I’ve never felt more beautiful and sexier my entire life.

If you still don’t get it, try being pregnant first!



Basta Igat, Sikat! by MyMaria: Pregnant & Proud!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

On my 8th month of pregnancy, my belly button seems to me like it’s giving me a tongue out.  My innie looks like an outie! Fut the wuck!!! But they say it will go back to normal after I give birth… Oh, what a relief! I want to wear my navel ring again… 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We're almost there!

Came home today from a visit to my Ob-Gyne and she’s very happy that I’ve finally gotten a hold of my weight gain. Currently tipping the scale at 136 lbs. So I gained 30+ pounds. So what? I’m pregnant, what’s your excuse? :P 

I have a month or so to go before I pop and I honestly can’t wait… so excited, can’t you tell? :)

Got a big belly alright but that’s all baby in there! A big baby indeed. That’s why I need to cut down the sweets… Awww. I need to walk more, too. I’m glad I have FitFlops now because they really help my feet. So happy also that I’m not experiencing much water retention. My foot size has grown a half inch or so though and that’s why I had to sell my Havaianas because most of them won’t fit me anymore. I know my feet will go back to normal after I give birth, but FitFlops just rule! So I’m planning to do a fitflop collection overhaul and buy more of biomechanically engineered footwear that features patent-pending, muscle-loading Microwobbleboard™ technology to increase the time that your muscles are engaged every single time you take a step. These pairs do help tone and tighten leg muscles while you walk in them. “Get a workout while you walk," so they say.

Anyways, I need a new camera, too. So I’m saving also for that as I need a slightly more compact one to take pictures of my baby. I can already see myself making scrapbooks and photo collages. *sigh* I’m gonna be a real mom!!! Can you believe it?

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